LinkedIn Learning Subscription

About LinkedIn Learning

Through this subscription, active IATSE members and those working under IATSE agreements will have unlimited access to the LinkedIn Learning online library of high-quality, instructional videos across a wide spectrum of technologies. LinkedIn Learning is designed for all levels of learners, with courses taught by recognized industry experts. After you have activated your account through a desktop device, you can view courses from your mobile device with the LinkedIn Learning app available on iOS or Android.

  • Unlimited access: Choose from over 20,000 expert-led, online courses and video tutorials covering business, creative, and technology topics

  • Personalized recommendations: Explore the most in-demand skills based on your work experience

  • Expert instructors: Learn from industry leaders, all in one place

  • Convenient learning: Access courses on your schedule, from any desktop or mobile device

  • Helpful resources: Reinforce new knowledge with quizzes, exercise files, and coding practice windows

How to Use LinkedIn Learning

Download our user guide here →

Click here for a video tutorial →

Click here for frequently asked questions →

Note: LinkedIn Learning recommends using Chrome incognito mode when taking courses on a browser.

Learning Paths from the IATSE and IATSE TTF

  • Audiovisual Readiness Training (AVRT): This learning path was developed by the IATSE Tradeshow Department as a complementary resource for the AVRT program. The IATSE Tradeshow Department’s Audiovisual Readiness Training (AVRT) is a skills-based training program you can complete with your LinkedIn Learning subscription and AVIXA membership. Click here to download the guide ↓

  • AV Video Series: This eight-part AV video series is for those interested in advancing their AV skills.

  • Computer Essentials: The IATSE Education and Training Department, in collaboration with the IATSE Training Trust Fund, developed this learning path to enhance basic computer literacy.

  • IATSE Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging: This learning path was developed by the IATSE Education and Training Department to enable IATSE workers to learn about the challenges and opportunities inherent in working in diverse organizations. It reviews current thinking and best practices on essential topics such as bias in all its forms, cultural competence, communication, allyship, and accountability.

  • IATSE Financial Wellness: This learning path was developed by the IATSE Education and Training Department to expand financial literacy and ultimately to promote financial wellbeing among IATSE workers at all stages of their careers. Each course has been vetted to ensure that the content is engaging, useful, and relevant for workers in the entertainment industry. Courses were chosen to cater to IATSE workers of all age groups and crafts.

  • IATSE Treasurers & Ticket Sellers: Courses have been chosen by locals to develop and improve specific craft skills that may apply to your work.

  • IATSE Women’s Committee: Courses curated by the IATSE Women's Committee to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome to celebrate the unlimited potential of IATSE women, to support strength and success in our Union, in our workplaces, our families, and in our communities at large.

  • TTF Zoom and Teams: This learning path includes a TTF video course and handouts on using Zoom in the role of operator/facilitator along with LinkedIn Learning courses that address the use of Zoom, Teams, and other platforms.

How Do We Apply?

IATSE Workers

Email your completed application to You will receive a subscription request confirmation email followed by a welcome email containing a link to set up your LinkedIn Learning account. You must activate your account using a desktop computer or laptop. Accounts cannot be activated through the mobile app.

Local Union Staff

Contact us for information on local union staff applications.

The LinkedIn Learning Local Union Curator role was introduced in 2023 to better support training at the local level. The new and improved role of LinkedIn Learning Curator replaces the role of Sub-Admin and gives IATSE local unions the ability to customize training even more.

Click here for more information and the application for the LinkedIn Learning Local Union Curator. →