IATSE Training Trust Fund

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FAQ Friday: Training Tracker

The Training Tracker is a valuable tool for local unions to track training records and optimize their training programs. In this FAQ blog, we explore how the Training Tracker works and how local unions can leverage it to make data-driven decisions and elevate their training initiatives.

What is the Training Tracker?
The Training Tracker is designed to help local unions track safety and craft skills trainings. It provides a centralized system for recording training courses and industry-approved certifications. This enables local unions to maintain accurate records of their workers' training progress and requirements.

What is included in the Training Tracker?
Training records include:

  • Courses taken directly through the TTF and its programs (not including LinkedIn Learning and AVIXA)

  • Local union courses that were supported by the TTF through Course Reimbursement or use of TTF curriculum

  • Individual certifications reimbursed through Certification Reimbursement

  • Individual OSHA online courses reimbursed through OSHA Online Course Reimbursement

  • Local union group courses submitted to the Training Tracker

How can local unions benefit from the Training Tracker?
One of the most significant advantages of the Training Tracker is its capacity to provide valuable data insights. With the data collected through the Training Tracker, local unions can analyze the effectiveness of their training programs. They can identify trends in safety and craft skills training completion rates, pinpoint areas for improvement, and tailor future training initiatives to better meet the needs of their workers. This ensures that local training programs are constantly evolving to deliver maximum value to IATSE workers.

I checked the Training Tracker account for our local, but it doesn’t list all the courses our members have completed. Why?
When an IATSE worker takes a course you present with financial support from the Course Reimbursement program, we manually add those records to the Training Tracker after we get training sign-in sheets. We also routinely add industry certifications for which we reimburse through the Certification Reimbursement program. TTF Safety First! Online Courses and No Fee Courses like the OSHA 10-Hour General Industry with Focus on the Entertainment Industry, OSHA 10-Hour Construction with Focus on the Entertainment Industry, AVIXA Networking Technology, and Train the Trainer are manually uploaded weekly. The MPTV Online Safety Program (ASA) courses A, A2, and HP1/HP2 are updated when we receive course completion updates from Contract Services.

Other trainings your local union organizes and presents locally can also be added to the Training Tracker. Your local just needs to send us the Training Tracker Submission Form and sign-in sheets. Please keep in mind that Training Tracker records are manually updated, so course completions may not be available immediately after a class ends.

How do we submit a course to the Training Tracker?
If your local has requested funds through our Course Reimbursement program or is using TTF Curriculum, you don’t need to submit your courses because we're already tracking them for you! Otherwise, you should download the Training Tracker Submission Form and Course Sign-in Sheet Template before your course, and make sure participants sign in for every day of training. Sign-in sheets must have the following information: Course Name, Course Date(s), Local, Instructor Name, and Participants’ First and Last Name and their date of birth, with a signature for each day of class. Email the Submission Form and sign-in sheets to tracking@iatsetrainingtrust.org.

We want to update our local membership’s records in the Training Tracker, but we don’t have sign-in sheets for all classes. Can we send in a list of names and trainings?
Sign-in sheets are necessary for the TTF to verify IATSE workers’ eligibility as TTF Beneficiaries. At a minimum, sign-in sheets must list the host local, course date, instructor name, participants’ full name, and participants’ date of birth with a signature for each day of the class.

Who can view training records for my local union?
Local unions can only access their own training records. Local union officers can apply for a local union account to see what training information we have for your local. Participating employers can also search these training records once they request access.